Google chat

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Google chat widget is a great way to add chat to classroom, ePortfolio or personal and group website at RCampus.

  1. Get the code from Google
    1. Go to Sign up if you don't have a Google account.
    2. Click on Edit to change the properties of the chat box (e.g. change title to "Classroom Chat").
    3. Copy the badge code from the box at the bottom of the screen. It's the box with a bunch of HTML code.
  2. Login to your account at RCampus
    1. Go to the page where you wish to add the chat box.
    2. Put the page in edit mode (click on the orange button labeled "edit page").
    3. From the top left of the tool bar, click on "HTML" icon.
    4. If you don't know HTML, be very careful. Go to the very beginning of the HTML code and paste the code for your Google Talk badge that you created in the previous step.
    5. Click on [save].