Storage limit
What is my storage limit?
Free accounts have a storage limit of 50MB. The storage limit for licensed users is set according to their plans.
Can I add more storage to my free account?
Yes, and at a low cost. Please see premium subscriptions to sign up for additional storage.
Can I clean up unwanted files?
Yes, go to my documents and remove the files that are no longer needed.
Hint: Photos are the biggest culprit in taking up storage. If an image is over 500KB, there is a good chance that you can re-size and re-upload them without losing image quality.
What counts against my storage limit?
The following items are counted against your storage limit:
- Any uploaded documents, images, videos or other files.
- Faculty/Educator accounts only: Your student submissions go to the primary teacher of the class and count against that teacher's storage.
The following items are NOT counted against your storage limit:
- Anything that is NOT uploaded as a file.
- Data about your courses, groups, etc.
- Messages and QuickPost! content.
- Faculty/Educator accounts only: Your student ePortfolio content is NOT counted against your storage, even when the ePortfolio is submitted as an assignment to your gradebook.
Will I save storage if I inactivate my courses and ePortfolios?
No. All documents are still in "my documents" and are available to you.
What happens when I go over the limit?
You can still access your existing files. You just won't be able to upload any new files.