Template:Send invite

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How to invite

Decide if you want to invite others by providing written instructions, sending a link to their email or by inviting them directly (user will be prompted to accept the invitation when logging in to the system).

Provide written instructions

  1. Select invite others.
  2. Provide written instructions.

Send link to email

  1. Select invite others.
  2. Click invite online.
  3. Select email address.
  4. Enter email addresses into box.
  5. Click send invites.

Add instantly

  1. Select invite others.
  2. Click invite online.
  3. Click the username radio button.
  4. Enter usernames into the text area.
  5. Click add instantly or send invites.

To view the status of invites

  1. Click invite others.
  2. Select see all invitations.
  3. You can view all pending, accepted, denied and deleted invites sent via email.

To delete an invite

  1. Click invite others
  2. Select see all invitations
  3. Click Delete under the invited person's username or email address