Study group
From RCampus Wiki
Study Groups are online areas for students (and faculty) to study together, send messages to the group, and share files.
- Members can create unlimited number of study groups for FREE.
- Each study group comes with its own home page and Message Center.
- The person that creates a Study Group (called the "moderator") will be in charge of the Study Group home page and other functionalities.
- The moderator invites other members to join the group by providing them with a Study Group ID and Access Code.
- Our Study Groups are fully protected from unwanted use. Only members of a Study Group can access its resources (i.e. messages, files, etc.).
Create a study group
- Go to study groups menu.
- Select new study group.
- Set study group title and Access Code (which is used as a password to join this group), and press [save].
Joing a study group
- Get Study Group ID and Access Code from the Study Group moderator.
- Go to study groups menu.
- Select join a study group.
- Enter the ID and Access Code and press [save].
Create a study group home page
- Click on study groups menu and go to my study groups.
- Select the study group from the drop down menu.
- To design a page from scratch, select create content or edit content.
- To use and existing page, select select doc.