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Students and faculty can use their personal websites as their personal ePortfolios. Clubs, faculty groups, committees and departments can also use their group websites as their group ePortfolios.

There are many advantages in using our personal ePortfolios including:

  • Free and lifelong access
  • Unique web address
  • Multiple usage: career, presentation, reflective, etc.
  • Help you collect and organize your work over the years

What is an ePortfolio

An ePortfolio (Electronic Portfolio) is a collection of your work (evidence and artifacts) in electronic format, managed by you, and usually kept online.

Students can use their ePortfolio as a record of their learning with evidence of achievements. They can also build career ePortfolios to help them collect and manage artifacts related to their future career goals.

Factuly ePortfolios usually include their curriculum vitae, areas of research and achievements, and related artifacts.

How to create an ePortfolio/Website

  1. Click on your name on top of the page.
  2. Select My Site (website.gif) from the side menu.
  3. Click on Activate my site.

Note: Available to Educator / Teacher account type only.

See Also