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An officer is a special member of a group website. Officers are listed on a seperate page.

Special features for officers

  • Separate officers list can be displayed with a description for each officer.
  • A discussion board is designated for officers only.
  • Officers-only pages can be enabled to hide information from other members and visitors.

How to manage officers

There are two ways to get to officer management page:

  • From the group admin menu (on the side), select officers.
  • From the officers page, click on Manage officers list.

How to create an officer

  1. Go to Officer management page.
  2. Click on add officer.
  3. In the input boxes, enter officers info.
  4. If the officer is a current member, select his/her login name from the drop down labeled Officer's Login Name.
  5. Press save.

How to change an officer's information

  1. Go to Officer management page.
  2. Click on edit next to the officer in question.
  3. Officer information will dispaly on top of the list (in the input boxes).
  4. Edit officer information and press save.

How to delete an officer

  1. Go to Officer management page.
  2. Click on suspend next to officer's name.
  3. Click on Ok on the confirmation box.

Note: Officers will be suspended, but their information will remain in the database for future activation.

How to activate / unsuspend and officer

  1. Go to Officer management page.
  2. Click on Show me both active and suspended officers.
  3. Suspended officers are at the bottom of the list. Click on re-activate for the officer in question.

See also