University of Central Florida
- Your name:
Donna Baumbach
- Position:
Professor Emerita
- School name(s):
University of Central Florida
- What subjects to do teach?
Instructional Technology/Educational Media
- What grade levels do you teach? For Higher ed, please use Undergrad, Grad, etc.
Grad and undergrad
- How do you use RCampus in your courses?
I was looking for a good rubric generator and found iRubric. It was so SLICK and easy to use! I never expected interactive! I used it for the final project and embedded the rubric in a wiki for students to see exactly how their work would be evaluated. When it came time to grade (60 projects!) it helped me to stay focused and objective. I was able to leave good comments specific to each criteria and each project. Students liked the immediate feedback and I think appreciated the comments.
- How does RCampus help you?
It saved me HOURS of time in generating a rubric, and even MORE time in grading projects. It also helped me to be more objective.
- How does it help your students?
The rubric gave them specific guidelines for their project and how it would be graded. They could also access their scores and comments online.
- Have you used other websites/systems that provide similar tools? How do you compare us with them?
Yes...but none that were as easy to use or interactive. This is the best by far!