Matrices and Class Assignments

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Class assignments can be added to matrix cells in different ways:

Showing existing graded assignments in a matrix cell

This option will allow students to add their evaluated coursework to a matrix cell.

How to setup:

  1. Edit the cell in matrix template
  2. Enable "Add their evaluated coursework"

Then ask student to open the matrix cell and attach their select work to the cell

Evaluators will then see their work and evaluation in the cell

link assignment submissions to matrix cells for secondary evaluations

Using this option, student assignment submissions can be automatically added to the matrix cell. Note that these are submissions made to RCampus or iRubric, and not submissions to other LMS.

How to setup:

  1. Facilitator needs to enable that in Matrix Assessment settings:
    1. Open Matrices > Assigned Matrices
    2. Go to the settings of any matrix assessment
    3. At the bottom of the screen, a list of cells are shown, click on the settings of the ones that need to be enabled and follow the setup
  2. Ask faculty to link their assignments. They will need to do the following
    1. In RCampus or iRubric assignment, click on the settings
    2. Click on "Link to matrix"
    3. Select Matrix Assessment and the specific cell to link the assignments to
  3. As matrix evaluators to review
    1. Evaluators can open each cell to perform their review/assessment