Email notification

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Email notifications or alerts are send to you in two occasions: daily informer and message alerts.

To ensure that you receive important messages, please make sure that your email address is correct and your ISP does not block the email notifications.

Daily Informer

If your class utilizes our platform, you will receive a daily alert to inform you of upcoming coursework and assignments. Daily informers are send once a day and include a list of coursework due in the next 14 days.

Message Alerts

Message alerts send you an email copy of messages posted to the message center. Alert options include:

  • When you receive a high priority message.
  • When you receive a new message.

Note: All personal messages are sent to you via email regardless of the message alert settings. A personal message is one that is sent directly to you and not to a group, class or community.

Change email notification preferences

  1. Go to my account from the top menu.
  2. Select Email Alerts (alarmclock.gif) from the side menu.
  3. Check the box next to a desired option and press [save].

NOTE: Messages that are addressed to you (and not to a group) are always notified via email.

See also