IRubric for Sakai

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iRubric for Sakai is a comprehensive rubric generation, assessment, and reporting suite for the Sakai CLE (Collaborative Learning Environment).

iRubric's seamless integration with Sakai CLE allows users to access iRubric directly from the Sakai gradebook. The platform provides educators with rubric generation and assessment tools, students with viewing capabilities for pre- and post-assessment, and administrators with detailed real-time reports for analysis and monitoring of student performance and learning outcomes. This comprehensive system saves users time and effort by automatically calculating evaluation data and compiling the outcomes into easily interpreted graphs and data tables. These automatically-generated visual representations provide clear evidence of student progress and program effectiveness, which makes iRubric an asset when preparing for accreditation visits. In addition, iRubric helps institutions comply with relevant standards by providing an extensive, organized and searchable database of national, regional and local standards which can be aligned with rubrics to ensure valid assessments.

iRubric for Sakai is available to K-12 and Higher Education through a variety of flexible licensing and hosting options, designed to meet the needs of a wide range of organizational sizes.

To learn more, visit iRubric for Sakai

Getting Started with iRubric-for-Sakai

Build a rubric

  1. Open an existing gradebook item for editing in Sakai
  2. Click onSelect iRubric to enter iRubric
  3. Click on Build on top and select, Build from scratch

Attach a rubric

  1. Open an existing gradebook item for editing in Sakai
  2. Click on Select iRubric to enter iRubric
  3. Press select a rubric and select one

Grade with iRubric

  1. Go to a gradebook item for grading in Sakai
  2. Click on the rubric icon next to each student name (if rubric icon does not show, go to Attach a rubric)
  3. Click on cells of the rubric to score student, then press [save]