Document center

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Four types of document creation.

The Document Center helps you manage your documents and access them from anywhere.

How to access my documents

  1. Click on the file cabinet icon on the top-right of the screen
  2. From the pop up menu, select my documents


Using the document center you can:

Create a document

There are four types of documents. Select the one that matches your need:

Plain text document:

This option allows you to create a plain text document.

  1. Click on the documents (docs.gif) icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the new document submenu.
  3. Select Plain Text (document_text.gif) under the Option 1.
  4. Enter a title.
  5. Enter the content to be saved. You can also copy and paste plain text from another program.
  6. Press [save].

HTML document:

This option allows you to create a formatted text document using the online editor.

  1. Click on the documents (docs.gif) icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the new document submenu.
  3. Select Formatted Text (HTML Document (text_rich_colored.gif) under the Option 1.
  4. Enter a title.
  5. Enter the content to be saved. You can also copy and paste formatted text from Microsoft Word.
  6. Press [save].

Upload a document:

This option allows you to upload a file from your PC.

  1. Click on the documents (docs.gif) icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the new document submenu.
  3. Select File on my PC (laptop.gif) under the Option 2.
  4. Enter a title.
  5. Click on Browse, select the file to be uploaded and press [open].
  6. Press [save].

Link to web page:

This option allows you to link to an external web page.

  1. Click on the documents (docs.gif) icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the new document submenu.
  3. Select Link to web page (webpage.gif) under the Option 2.
  4. Enter a title.
  5. Enter the URL of the web page.
  6. Press [save].

Delete a document

Delete my files

  1. Go to documents by clicking on the file cabinet icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the document to be deleted.
  3. Select delete from the popup menu.

Delete images

  1. Go to documents by clicking on the file cabinet icon on top of the page.
  2. Look for the images you wish to delete under Area 2: Online Editor Uploads.
  3. Select delete from the popup menu.

Delete old student submissions

  1. Go to documents by clicking on the file cabinet icon on top of the page.
  2. Click on the coursework title under Area 3: My Student Submissions.
  3. Check the box next to the submitted files you wish to delete.
  4. Press Delete selected files.

NOTE: To delete files submitted for old, inactive classes, you must first "activate" your old, inactive classes. Then follow the steps above.

Reactivate a Document

  1. Click on the documents (docs.gif) icon on top of the page.
  2. Click “show inactive” to display the inactivated folders.
  3. Click on the menu next to the folder and select “edit”.
  4. Untick the box for “Disable” and press [save].

Storage limit

Please see storage limit for more information.

See also