IRubric for LMS

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Any modern LMS can take advantage of iRubric assessment system or any RCampus ePortfolios and Competency modules via an [[LTI] integration.

Benefits of iRubric for LMS

Most LMS include a built-in rubric scoring tool, however, iRubric takes rubric scoring, management and analytics to a whole new level:

  • Build and share course, program, and institutional rubrics with ease
  • The largest gallery of rubrics in the world to choose or get ideas from
  • Promotes academic freedom
  • Alignment with Standards and Outcomes
  • Curriculum mapping
  • Student competency management and advisor
  • Keep evidence with assessments
  • Robust reporting and analytics for aggregated and disaggregated outcomes-based reports
  • Accreditation reports

Supported LMS

LTI standards are widely adopted by most modern LMS. While each LMS implements LTI differently, in general, they provide the same level of access to iRubric. Supported LMS include the following: