Login and logout

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You can use the same login name and password at RCampus and iRubric.


  1. Enter your login name in the login box on top of the page. (Note: Your email address is NOT your login name.)
  2. Enter your password in the password box next to it.
  3. Click on the Login button.

Note: Long period of inactivity will automatically expire a session and causes you to log out. For security, please logout when you leave your computer.


  1. Click on the log out menu on top of the page.

Note: Long period of inactivity will automatically expire a session and causes you to log out. For security, please logout when you leave your computer.

Not a member yet?

If you have not created an account yet, please go to become a member for more information.

Login Issues

Please go to Login problems if you are having trouble accessing your account.

See Also