Rubric editor

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This is the help page for our rubric editor. The rubric edit page is where you can customize your rubrics.

Please click on the build submenu or the edit (rubricstudio.gif) icon on top of a rubric to use the rubric editor.

Creating a rubric

Rubric information

Rubric title and description

Enter a short title briefly describing the rubric in Rubric Title and a longer description in Description.

Keywords and Grade Levels

Enter rubric keywords associated with your rubric. Check the box next to the grade levels for which your rubric is designed for.

Rubric primary subject and type

You can assign a primary subject (e.g. English) and type (e.g. Assignment). Additional subjects and types can be assigned after the rubric is saved.

Additional space for more descriptions

To add more space for additional criteria descriptions, go to Working with expanded view

Working with rows

Buttons to add rows and dividers - located at the bottom of the rubric.

How to add a criteria row

Press the button labeled criterion at the bottom of the rubric. Learn more about criteria rows.

How to add a divider

Press the button labeled simple divider or full divider at the bottom of the rubric. Learn more about dividers.

Move or delete rubric rows using these buttons

How to move a row up or down

click on the up (rubrics_up.gif) or down (rubrics_down.gif) arrow on the left of the row to be moved.

How to delete a row

Click on the delete button (rubrics_rowdel.gif) on the left of the row to be deleted.

Working with columns

Button to add a column to rubric - located on the right side of the rubric.
Move or delete rubric columns using these buttons

How to add a level column

Press the button labeled add level column on the right of the rubric.

How to move a column left or right

click on the left (rubrics_left.gif) or right (rubrics_right.gif) arrow on the top of the column to be moved.

How to delete a column

Click on the delete button (rubrics_coldel.gif) on the top of the column to be deleted.

Working with weights

Level weights

A level is a column in the rubric. Level weights are integral to a rubric and are required. They determine how each criterion is scored. A simple weight scale for levels would be 1, 2, 3, etc. with 1 being the poorest performance level.

Criteria weights

Criteria weights can be assigned to distribute the scoring among criteria. If no weights are assigned, all criteria will have an equal weight of 1 leaving the score determination to levels.

Section weights

A section is designated by rubric divider rows. A section can be assigned an arbitrary percentage if needed.

Working with expanded view

When a new rubric is created, it starts with a basic form. You can expand the rubric to give more spaces for additional criteria descriptions or weight distributions.

Expand a basic rubric

When a basic rubric is expanded, it gives you the option to assign criteria weights.

  1. Check the box next to Expanded view located above the rubric to show additional boxes for descriptions and weights.
  2. Select points or percentage from the drop down menu to show boxes to enter criteria weights.

Expand a rubric with dividers

When a rubric with one or more full dividers is expanded, it gives you the options to assign criteria weights and/or divider weights.

  1. Check the box next to Expanded view located above the rubric to show additional boxes for descriptions and weights.
  2. Select points or percentage from the drop down menu to show boxes to enter criteria weights.
  3. Select percentage from the drop down menu to show boxes to enter divider weights.

Saving a rubric

You have the options to save your rubric in a draft mode for later, save and continue editing for now or save and use it right away. When you press save & continue editing or save button, your rubric will be saved under my rubrics menu.

See Also

Learn More About Rubrics

Working with rubrics

iRubric Public Tools