Account types
Depending on the account type, a member will have access to different tools and features specific to the account type. There are two main categories: individual accounts and group accounts.
NOTE: Once an account is created, the account type cannot be changed. Please choose your member account type carefully.
After you sign up, you can check your account type by clicking on my account menu located on the top right corner.
Category I: Individual member accounts
Students or anyone who's planning to join a class, workshop or seminar online.
Free student/learner membership includes:
- Personal website with online content builder
- ePortfolios
- Classroom access
- Tutoring profile and access to tutors
- Book exchange
- Access to clubs, private groups and study groups
Faculty members, educators, instructors, teachers, trainers, etc.
Free faculty/teacher membership includes:
- Personal website with online content builder and built-in course management system
- Rubric builder and assessment tool
- Tutoring profile and access to tutors
- Book exchange
- Access to clubs, private groups, study groups and faculty groups and more.
Limited access. Choose only if you are not a faculty or student.
Examples of Other members are:
- Publishers
- Bookstores
- Administrators
- Staff
- Tutors: Please use either a Student or a Faculty account type if you are a tutor.
Category II: Group accounts
Student Club
Use this option to create a club website. Please do NOT use personal info to create login name. For example, a proper login for a club would be alphasigma instead of john123.
NOTE: If you are a student and want to join a class and use our e-learning tools, please create a student account instead.
Faculty Group
Use this option to create a faculty group or committee website. Please do NOT use personal info to create login name (similar to a student club account).
NOTE: If you are an educator and want to create a class and use our e-learning tools, please create a faculty account instead.