Rubrics FAQ

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Can I change a rubric that I have previously created?

Yes. Simply click on the edit button on top of a rubric.

If I edit my existing rubric, is it going to create a new rubric with the same title?

No, it will not create a new rubric. It will simply modify your existing rubric.

I can't find my rubrics.

Your rubrics are listed in the my rubrics page. If your rubric has been disabled, you can enable it again or change the setting on my rubrics page to "Show inactive rubrics". Please see disabling rubrics for more info.

How do I print a rubric?

Please see printing a rubric

How do I email a rubric to others?

  1. Go to the rubric.
  2. Click on the email icon (mail.gif) on top of the rubric preview page.
  3. Continue with email message and send email.

Note: Rubrics must be in public gallery. To make a rubric publicly available, please see How do I add a rubric to Rubric Gallery.

I want to add my rubric to my website. How do I do that?

If you are a faculty member, your personal faculty website already comes with menus that list your own rubrics and bookmark of rubrics created by others. Please see faculty website for more detail.

To add a rubric to other websites, please see embedding rubrics or linking to a rubric.

My rubric says draft, how do I get it out of draft mode?

  1. Put the rubric in edit mode (rubricstudio.gif).
  2. At the bottom of the rubric editor screen select Ready to use
  3. Save the rubric.

How do I add a rubric to Rubric Gallery?

  1. Put the rubric in edit mode (rubricstudio.gif).
  2. At the bottom of the rubric editor screen select Add to public gallery
  3. Save the rubric.

How do I search for my colleague's rubric?

  • Option 2: Ask your colleague to email you the rubric.

Can I spell check my rubric?

Our current version does not have a spell checker. But, if you use Mozilla Firefox, it has a built-in spell checker that works really nicely.

I found a typo on a rubric. Can you fix it?

All rubrics on iRubric are created by our members. So we do not control the content. You are more than welcome to post a discussion right below the rubric.

If you are planning to use a rubric with typos, please "copy" it to your zone and make the necessary modifications. To make a copy of a rubric, click on the duplicate (copy.gif) icon on top of the rubric.

How can I see the rubric score in points instead of a percentage?

A subscription to our Premium Upgrade, Gradebook Plus Unlimited, will allow you to see students’ scores in both points and a percentage.

Please note that if you use the ‘test run’ feature, it will only show the score in percentage.

How do I download my rubric?

iRubric is a web-based tool so it doesn’t save to a computer. You can copy and paste to Microsoft Word but we cannot guarantee that it’ll keep the same formatting.

Can my students access the scored rubrics without having to access the coursework or class?

Not with our Personal Edition.

However, our Enterprise Edition allows students to simply view their graded rubrics without having to access the coursework or any other areas.

How do I keep my rubric from being displayed in the public gallery?

  1. Put the rubric in edit mode (rubricstudio.gif).
  2. At the bottom of the rubric editor screen select Keep this rubric private for the next 14 days
  3. Save the rubric.

See Also

Learn More About Rubrics

Working with rubrics

iRubric Public Tools